1. Why Use An Electric Shaver?
There is an increasingly large percentage of people that are now switching over to using electric shavers rather than the old straight edge the question is why? Both men and women are opting for electric shavers and for many reasons.
First is convenience let us be honest applying shaving cream, then shaving and then applying some type of after shave takes time. It also costs a far bit of money having all of these products in our house. I for one cannot understand why disposable shavers cost so much money, a 5 pack of my favorite brand is now $15, wow. The shaving cream and the after shave assuming you don't buy some fancy designer brand is going to be relatively cheap, but the razors really do knock things out of the park.
Now buying an electric shaver does have its upfront costs but most good units clean and sharpen automatically so you do save money down the road. I think the main reason for using an electric razor is for those of us that have any time of skin condition. Whether you are shaving your legs and constantly get ingrown hairs, have acne or are just plain sensitive to a straight razor.
I know many people that have these types of skin conditions and once they started using an electric razor these skin issues started to dramatically improve. When I was a teenager I did have quite a few pimples and using a straight razor caused all kinds of problems. First it hurt and the worst part was the razor would cause the pimples to bleed and make them even more of an eye soar.
My wife loves her electric shaver that can be used in the shower, she was always complaining about ingrown hairs and small rashes that would appear from using a straight razor. Now whether it be her under arm or her legs she doesn't have any of these issues anymore.
The other reason I like using an electric razor has to do with quick convenience. Sometimes you forget to shave and just before you head out for a meeting or a social get together you can quickly shave without having to get your face wet. I can't tell you how many times I have been running late and as I am leaving my wife reminds me that I need to shave.
An electric shaver isn't for everyone, there are however more reasons than ever to start using one. Cost, convenience and they are easier on your skin. Who knows maybe you will be using one sooner than later.
2. Aging Skin Treatment: Fighting Back Against Skin Aging
The appearance of wrinkles on our face has us frantically searching for aging skin treatment. Thankfully today there is not a few but hundreds of anti-aging treatments. Some are expensive but most of them are quite affordable. To find the right treatment for your aging skin, you should first understand why we get these unsightly lines on the skin.
Causes Of Aging
Presence of wrinkles on your face and body indicates that your skin is losing its elasticity and that the connective tissues that contain collagen are degenerating. Skin aging is due to age as in most cases. It is also caused by overexposure to the sun, smoking, poor diet, stress, and lack of sleep. Not drinking enough water could also cause wrinkles on your face.
When the first sign of aging appears, many people start looking for lotions, creams, and cosmetic procedures to help them get rid of those fine lines. They forget or are simply unaware that aging skin treatment is not about just applying particular cream on face and body.
Taking Proper Care Of Yourself
For an anti-aging skin care to work you need to first and foremost take proper care of your body.
-When stepping out, make sure that you are wearing sunscreen. Sunscreen not only helps prevent sunburn, but also reduces signs of mature skin such as age spots and wrinkles. Sunscreen containing SPF 15 is what most dermatologists recommend.
-Avoid tanning and artificial tanning beds. Tanning is absolutely fatal for your skin.
-Drink atleast 6-8 glasses of water to keep your skin hydrated. A hydrated skin looks healthy. If you are not drinking enough water, your wrinkle skin care treatment will not help you.
-Get enough sleep to keep those wrinkles at bay. And if you have already got some wrinkles, sleeping would help reduce their intensity. Now do not go and sleep the whole day. Eight hours of sleep in a day is enough to rejuvenate the body.
-Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. According to doctors, vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants. You need antioxidants to fight off free radicals, which are a major contributor to aging and diseases. So even if you do not like broccoli, you should eat it because it keeps the wrinkles away.
-Lead a healthy lifestyle. This means that you should not smoke and also avoid alcohol.
-Exercise regularly and keep stress at bay.
Following these tips will keep you healthy and less prone to wrinkles. If you already have wrinkles, then you should follow these tips along with your aging skin treatment.
Talking about aging skin care, there is no shortage of options. You can go for anti-aging skin creams. However, first make sure that you know your skin type and the cause(s) of your aging skin. Creams containing natural ingredients are much more effective than chemical creams. Moreover, natural creams have no side-effects.
Besides creams and lotions, you can opt for Botox treatment to get rid of your fine lines. Micro-dermabrasion, wrinkle filler injections, cosmetic surgery, chemical peel, radio frequency and face-lift are some of the other aging skin treatments that you could consider. However, make sure that you speak to a dermatologist before you make that final decision. Understand the pros and cons of each treatment to make the right decision.
Overall, it is important to understand that the aging skin treatment that you have chosen will only work if you take proper care of yourself and we know how to do tha

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